Sunday, August 31, 2008

What Will Obama Do Now That He's Not The Only Rockstar?

The Republican Party, ya know - that stodgy thing for old people, has just stolen and will continue to steal the revolutionary and rockstar thunder that once belonged solely to Barack Hussein Obama. By the time Election 2008 rolls around, Sarah Palin - whom you'll notice I selected as McCain's should-be VP pick days before her announcement - will be America's new buzz and leave Barack Hussein Obama in the dust as old news. So what does Sarah Palin have that McCain does not? Well, that would include experience, bi-partisanship, beauty, directness, tenacity, authenticity, humor, and an all American homestyle feel - she's an absolutely incredible person that will leave Barack Obama looking like an unauthentic overeducated sop.

Liberal pundits are already knocking Sarah Palin for a lack of experience, even though ironically she has about as much experience as the Democrats' top ticket guy. However, Barack Hussein Obama is a measly do nothing Senator in a measly do nothing Democratic Controlled Senate. As Mike Huckabee correctly pointed out, Senators pick one or two pet projects and pretty much do nothing. A governor, however, is an executive in an office that's much like the micro-scale of the presidency. The governor must make tons of prudent executive decisions in one day that can have lasting effects. The governor gets as much executive experience in one day of the office than one gets in one year in the Senate. Barack Obama has no experience as an executive - he's either sat in a big office or a big Senate Chamber spewing out his do-nothing rounds of intellectual snobbery.

Sarah Palin, a heartfelt fighter that cares about government working for and being accountable to the people, has had a tremendous amount of executive experience in ways that exactly counter the ways that Republicans in the Executive and Legislative branches betray the philosophy of their party. Her record shows her as a clear fighter against special interests and pork-barrel. In her short tenure, she's worked tirelessly to get corrupt politicians (often from her own party) removed and vetoed loads of wasteful spending. She was an ardent opponent of Alaska's "Bridge to Nowhere".

In case you haven't noticed, Sarah Palin is a babe. She might be the first president that will ever be masturbated to. She's nice, and puts off this soccer mom MILF vibe/imagery that will send guys in this country nuts. For the sheer rockstar appeal, people who think outside the political establishment might have a choice between the first cool black guy to run or the first soccer mom babe - giving people options. She's also a fun bubbly person that people will like. Outside of that superficiality, Sarah Palin is authentically one of the nicest, caring, and non-self serving people in America and likely in all of politics. However, she will fiercely take down any opponent that she does not believe has the best interests of America (aka, their own selfish political interests) in mind. In addition, she has a propensity for these one line zingers that simply sting and shut down her opponents. Women will admire her power, her authenticity, and hopefully elect McCain/Palin so their daughters can see that someone who grew up normally like themselves truly have a shot at being America's president or VP. Most women in America, except hardnosed liberals, are more concerned about having a woman VP that cares about family interests than they are with abortion-on-demand.

Barack Obama doesn't feel authentic to the American people because he speaks above them (the intellectual snobbery of which I regularly speak). Sarah Palin speaks to them, and is one of them - while still being brilliant and tenacious. She didn't go to Columbia and become a politican through rockstardom and intellectual snobbery. She's a true American Dream story - a normal woman who wants change for her kids, for their generation, and starts from the very bottom and rises to the top with consistent hard-work and an authentic desire for the common good that voters recognize - her extreme popularity in Alaska speaks to this. In regards to her abortion stance, Sarah Palin is uniquely pro-life not because she's a religious zealot or doesn't value women's rights, but because she earnestly cares about the sanctity of all human life. Despite knowing her latest son, Trig, was going to have Down Syndrome, she refused to have an abortion and will likely love him as much as her other kids. Her socially conservative credentials will be more accepted in the mainstream because they seem to be issues she authentically cares about as opposed to carefully crafted political calculations.

Sarah Palin is America's true maverick, and represents true hope and change for America. Not Barack BG (big government) Hussein Obama.

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