Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin is the younger, attractive, extremely smart, sensible, and practical female governer of Alaska. In this election where America wants to see "change", McCain's selection of Palin would certainly represent "change" and show that McCain is a politican that certainly believes in "change". Palin represents a similar change that can be had with a Lieberman ticket, except her reasonably conservative credentials will not cause any defection of the party base (except a few rednecks who couldn't fathom the idea of a woman president). Should B. Hussein Obama select a white male politician as VP, McCain's selection of Palin would make him seem real progressive and be the real agent of change - a severe embarrassment to Obama. In addition, Palin would help John McCain seal the Hillary women and moderate Democrats - the lucrative 20-30% of Hillary supporters who say that they will refuse to support a B. Hussein Obama ticket.

Lieberman shows America that John McCain is really serious about killing the establishment and not being a whore to devisive partisan politics. Lieberman is a practical pro-America politican who very much represents America's center. If you look at all the states in play, it seems the margin of victory will be decided narrowly by the center. As for Republicans claiming they will defect or not come out to vote, it simply is an empty threat. Any Republican with half a brain will accept Lieberman as a low-position VP who can't really do much anyway over the potentially devastating President B. Hussein Obama. The rednecks that have trouble with Lieberman's abortion views are already dead-set against having a heavy abortionist named "Hussein" getting near the white house. They'll come around.
B. Hussein Obama's Best Selections

Evan Bayh
I would vote for Evan Bayh. Being a somewhat hefty Republican, I think that says a lot. While Bayh certainly will not get me on board with a B. Hussein Obama ticket, it might get a decent amount of moderate/centrist Floridians, Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, Nevadans, and dare I say, uh, "Indianians" (haha). Without those, B. Hussein cannot expect to win the electoral college. Should you need background, Evan Bayh is a very reasonable, practical, and centrist New Democrat coalition member who could possibly make B. Hussein Obama look like less of an appeasement communist hack.

H. Rodham Clinton
The liberal media doesn't want to tell you that the Democratic Party is divided. However, it is, and the selection of H. Clinton will work to heal those wounds. Also, some regard B. Hussein Obama as too far from the political establishment, and too much change will result in an inability to play Washington. However, we all know that Hillary Clinton and her dirty weasely claws sure know how to play Washington (as well as B. Jefferson "Is My Peepee Out?" Clinton).
My Selections
• McCain/Palin
• Obama/Bayh
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