Sunday, August 31, 2008

What Will Obama Do Now That He's Not The Only Rockstar?

The Republican Party, ya know - that stodgy thing for old people, has just stolen and will continue to steal the revolutionary and rockstar thunder that once belonged solely to Barack Hussein Obama. By the time Election 2008 rolls around, Sarah Palin - whom you'll notice I selected as McCain's should-be VP pick days before her announcement - will be America's new buzz and leave Barack Hussein Obama in the dust as old news. So what does Sarah Palin have that McCain does not? Well, that would include experience, bi-partisanship, beauty, directness, tenacity, authenticity, humor, and an all American homestyle feel - she's an absolutely incredible person that will leave Barack Obama looking like an unauthentic overeducated sop.

Liberal pundits are already knocking Sarah Palin for a lack of experience, even though ironically she has about as much experience as the Democrats' top ticket guy. However, Barack Hussein Obama is a measly do nothing Senator in a measly do nothing Democratic Controlled Senate. As Mike Huckabee correctly pointed out, Senators pick one or two pet projects and pretty much do nothing. A governor, however, is an executive in an office that's much like the micro-scale of the presidency. The governor must make tons of prudent executive decisions in one day that can have lasting effects. The governor gets as much executive experience in one day of the office than one gets in one year in the Senate. Barack Obama has no experience as an executive - he's either sat in a big office or a big Senate Chamber spewing out his do-nothing rounds of intellectual snobbery.

Sarah Palin, a heartfelt fighter that cares about government working for and being accountable to the people, has had a tremendous amount of executive experience in ways that exactly counter the ways that Republicans in the Executive and Legislative branches betray the philosophy of their party. Her record shows her as a clear fighter against special interests and pork-barrel. In her short tenure, she's worked tirelessly to get corrupt politicians (often from her own party) removed and vetoed loads of wasteful spending. She was an ardent opponent of Alaska's "Bridge to Nowhere".

In case you haven't noticed, Sarah Palin is a babe. She might be the first president that will ever be masturbated to. She's nice, and puts off this soccer mom MILF vibe/imagery that will send guys in this country nuts. For the sheer rockstar appeal, people who think outside the political establishment might have a choice between the first cool black guy to run or the first soccer mom babe - giving people options. She's also a fun bubbly person that people will like. Outside of that superficiality, Sarah Palin is authentically one of the nicest, caring, and non-self serving people in America and likely in all of politics. However, she will fiercely take down any opponent that she does not believe has the best interests of America (aka, their own selfish political interests) in mind. In addition, she has a propensity for these one line zingers that simply sting and shut down her opponents. Women will admire her power, her authenticity, and hopefully elect McCain/Palin so their daughters can see that someone who grew up normally like themselves truly have a shot at being America's president or VP. Most women in America, except hardnosed liberals, are more concerned about having a woman VP that cares about family interests than they are with abortion-on-demand.

Barack Obama doesn't feel authentic to the American people because he speaks above them (the intellectual snobbery of which I regularly speak). Sarah Palin speaks to them, and is one of them - while still being brilliant and tenacious. She didn't go to Columbia and become a politican through rockstardom and intellectual snobbery. She's a true American Dream story - a normal woman who wants change for her kids, for their generation, and starts from the very bottom and rises to the top with consistent hard-work and an authentic desire for the common good that voters recognize - her extreme popularity in Alaska speaks to this. In regards to her abortion stance, Sarah Palin is uniquely pro-life not because she's a religious zealot or doesn't value women's rights, but because she earnestly cares about the sanctity of all human life. Despite knowing her latest son, Trig, was going to have Down Syndrome, she refused to have an abortion and will likely love him as much as her other kids. Her socially conservative credentials will be more accepted in the mainstream because they seem to be issues she authentically cares about as opposed to carefully crafted political calculations.

Sarah Palin is America's true maverick, and represents true hope and change for America. Not Barack BG (big government) Hussein Obama.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Veepstakes: J. Sidney McCain vs. B. Hussein Obama

J. Sidney McCain's Best Selections:

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin is the younger, attractive, extremely smart, sensible, and practical female governer of Alaska. In this election where America wants to see "change", McCain's selection of Palin would certainly represent "change" and show that McCain is a politican that certainly believes in "change". Palin represents a similar change that can be had with a Lieberman ticket, except her reasonably conservative credentials will not cause any defection of the party base (except a few rednecks who couldn't fathom the idea of a woman president). Should B. Hussein Obama select a white male politician as VP, McCain's selection of Palin would make him seem real progressive and be the real agent of change - a severe embarrassment to Obama. In addition, Palin would help John McCain seal the Hillary women and moderate Democrats - the lucrative 20-30% of Hillary supporters who say that they will refuse to support a B. Hussein Obama ticket.

Joe Lieberman

Lieberman shows America that John McCain is really serious about killing the establishment and not being a whore to devisive partisan politics. Lieberman is a practical pro-America politican who very much represents America's center. If you look at all the states in play, it seems the margin of victory will be decided narrowly by the center. As for Republicans claiming they will defect or not come out to vote, it simply is an empty threat. Any Republican with half a brain will accept Lieberman as a low-position VP who can't really do much anyway over the potentially devastating President B. Hussein Obama. The rednecks that have trouble with Lieberman's abortion views are already dead-set against having a heavy abortionist named "Hussein" getting near the white house. They'll come around.

B. Hussein Obama's Best Selections

Evan Bayh

I would vote for Evan Bayh. Being a somewhat hefty Republican, I think that says a lot. While Bayh certainly will not get me on board with a B. Hussein Obama ticket, it might get a decent amount of moderate/centrist Floridians, Ohioans, Pennsylvanians, Nevadans, and dare I say, uh, "Indianians" (haha). Without those, B. Hussein cannot expect to win the electoral college. Should you need background, Evan Bayh is a very reasonable, practical, and centrist New Democrat coalition member who could possibly make B. Hussein Obama look like less of an appeasement communist hack.

H. Rodham Clinton

The liberal media doesn't want to tell you that the Democratic Party is divided. However, it is, and the selection of H. Clinton will work to heal those wounds. Also, some regard B. Hussein Obama as too far from the political establishment, and too much change will result in an inability to play Washington. However, we all know that Hillary Clinton and her dirty weasely claws sure know how to play Washington (as well as B. Jefferson "Is My Peepee Out?" Clinton).

My Selections

• McCain/Palin

• Obama/Bayh

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Time Has Come to Mobilize Against America's Greatest Threat: B. Hussein Obama

What was any small credibility the Democratic Party ever had left had been totally eradicated by the nomination of B. Hussein Obama.

In their worst scheme to date, the Democrats have developed a dangerous religion - a dangerous cult. A cult designed to mystify and awe based on idolatry and superstardom. One, that like a cult, preys on people's greatest fears in a cyclically slumping economy. One that sells indulgences in the form of votes. One that exploits a fragile American condition by convincing America that the empty promise of "Obamatology" is real. The Democrats, being mostly comprised of Atheists, have actually found their God in the form of Barack Obama. One that has actually convinced a severely delusional America that he can move mountains, and unlike anybody else, can part the murky seas of and impart change upon the unnavigable waters of the red-tape and bloated partisan and processed American government.

Barack Obama is absolutely nothing except a Hollywood actor in the grandest psychological and sociological engineering hoax in America's history. Never has their been a time when someone so politically insignificant and so out of touch with American values been elevated to the point that he has a 50/50 shot of winning the US presidency. Elements used to build and engineer this God like cult of Obama include visible worship by the liberal media, white guilt, youth/sexuality, the power of imagery, the erection of a Hitler like cult of personality, and utilization of Obama's powerful Hitler-quality speaking skills.

In order to cover up their magnificent ruse, the holy engineers of Obamatology are claiming that Obama's groundbreaking surge in popularity can be attributed to Obama having an all around parallel to JFK. Unfortunately, Obama is no JFK. The core difference being that JFK believed in and wanted to build upon American values, whereas B. Hussein Obama believes in and wants to build upon European values. JFK believed in economic freedom and free markets. JFK believed that a mighty American military is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world. JFK believed in the might of every American - every American as equal - and decried affirmative action. JFK was a proponent of the death penalty. JFK's wife was the classiest lady in the world, not a horrid "for the first time I'm proud of my country" secular-progressive barbarian. JFK would have been tossed out of today's Democratic party.

JFK's intentions were noble in Bay of Pigs. JFK would have railed against the horrific Hugo Chavez. JFK loathed communism, obviously. Vietnam? Russia? JFK also did not go all "good night and good luck" and refused to condemn Joe McCarthy's noble anti-communist crusade. Obama, while not an "out" communist, keeps regular company with and is heavily supported by groups and persons with heavy communist sympathies. Need I mention who, the Daily Kos, Hugo Chavez, Susan Sarandon, and Danny Glover support? You can smell the secular-progressive stench conspicuously oozing from B.O.'s pores day by day.

Obama believes in a free market blend. What the hell is that? Either the market is free or it isn't. And it sure isn't going to be any freer with public school unions and other various unions requiring payback after they've put so much money in the coffers of Queen Obama. Not to mention the recent pro-union business climate bill that Obama is trying to push through Congress. An America controlled by labor is extremely dangerous. Foreign investment has already pulled out enough. Do you want to see it pull out further and watch our economy crumble? A healthy business climate is based on a fair free market wage - when unions demand that their workers are paid more than the market will bear, prices get thrown out of whack, the market gets thrown out of whack, and the whole system comes crumbling down.

Obama's inital position on the military invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan is dangerous. In other words, when he had no evidence that miliary action was not required and not appropriate, he still chose to break with 99% of his colleagues (and side with Barbara Lee, the most dangerous politican in America), and opposed the invasions because he is simply an anti-war Code Pink liberal pansy fruit. What happens the next time when military invasion happens to be the prudent course of action? Can we trust Obama to not be his self-demonstrated form of Code Pink pansy? I think not.

And here's a fabulous reality for you! What if they rename "New York's John F. Kennedy Airport" to "New York's Barack Hussein Obama International Airport"? It will rival the King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah and the Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai. Wouldn't it be even funnier if the guy that orders the signage for the airport accidentally orders an extra "S" instead of a "B", effectively naming the airport "New York's Barack Hussein Osama International Airport"?

I've mentioned Obama's dangerous positions in my previous posts, but his cult of personality is what's most dangerous and most urgent - and we must mobilize the country to counter this dangerous cult. With an almost God like international admiration, he could have the ability to persuade the US and the world to move closer to a dangerous and CodePink mentality, which despite a fradulent cover as a moderate, form the cornerstone of B. Hussein Obama's political sympathies.

JFK is rolling over in his grave.


Australia - no doubt that this was the most important and best trip of my life. As many of you know, prior to this summer I had been to five out of six of the "inhabited" continents, and never thought I'd make it out to Aussie land so soon. I considered my going to Australia, my sixth continent, a significant lifetime achievement, something that if I died tomorrow might be said about me in a eulogy. The world is a big confusing place and there's an incredible sense of accomplishment and awe over going to every corner of it. It helps you both understand more about other people and ourselves. The idea of "ourselves" as a worldwide people would have been laughable to me just in the California bubble. Also, I guess I've always had a fascination with people - maybe it's because I can't relate to them very well so I have to see and analyze to help me understand.

Another part of the travel is escaping temporary problems in life - or what I perceive to be problems and less fortunate people would view as minor puny setbacks, like Donald Trump's ice division of Trump Corporation going under. I'm such a brat - when guys my age are living in cardboard boxes, hustling for a living, or rotting in rehab, I'm whining about a little bit of nothing.

Anyway, back to Australia.

For my sixth floor roomies, I can report that I got to see our favorite Australian ever, a Miss Anna Jaffe. I can also report that Anna is doing very well. She's as resplendent as ever, even though she won't ever say so. As usual, Anna dodged my picture taking, much like she did around Berkeley. She also was embarrassed by my being so touristy with my huge camera, and demanded I invest in a new one. Anna was also infuriated when I attempted to do a "Steve Irwin"-ish Australian accent - she issued her usual death threats :)

I had the pleasure of being taken around St. Kilda and various parts of Melbourne by Anna and her friend "Procle". Between Anna, Procle, and my Sephardic Jew curls, our presence was like just another day at Temple. Anna and Procle also were mindblowing specimens of this incredible Australian banter and sarcasm we've been hearing about so much in the states. It was a beautiful, constant back and forth sort of "language". As we all know Anna's facility for language, you can imagine how well she performed in the competitive back and forth. If you can imagine anything much the opposite, envision a couple of elderly country folk in the back woods of Tennessee talking about mundane straightforward things in a turtlesque voice. Procle also accused Anna of being "demanding", which of course Anna vehemently denied. Anna was in fact extraordinarily generous, especially allowing me to be so touristy and treating me near the entire day at her insistence.

Some cool things we did included Anna forcing me to drink coffee, despite my strong distaste for the mudlike liquid. She then described how Australian coffee is far superior to any coffee found in the states. Apparently it's not about the beans, but all about the "process". We also went to Luna Park in St. Kilda, which has this legendary mini-Colossus like roller coaster that gives you great views of the beach and St. Kilda. Then the beach. Then a 90 story tower in Melbourne. And a the way, Anna has developed a severe gambling problem (just kidding Anna). Anna misses you guys, and for Christina, guys and girls. It was an amazing day - thanks again Anna.

Absolutely incredible city, just incredible. There's a special feeling that you get being in Sydney that is indescribable. Anyway, I just did the main touristy things, like the Harbours, Opera House, all the requisite buildings and sites, Olympic Park, the Blue Mountains, and Taronga Zoo. Despite all these sites being amazing, what was really incredible for me was just the feeling of being in the city. No other city has quite capitvated me like that before.

Travel Experience/Routing for Qantas and Delta
Los Angeles-Melbourne (747) 23JUL 11:40P-25JUL 7:30A
Melbourne-Sydney (737) 27JUL 6:00A-7:20A
Sydney-Honolulu (763) 30JUL 7:45P-30JUL 9:30A

Qantas was an incredible travel experience from LAX-MEL. Incredible service, incredible entertainment, incredible food, incredible goodies, and the incredible experience of once again flying on a 747 (which I haven't done for a good few years, and not with regularity since flying to New York on Pan Am). It was also extremely strange boarding an international flight right in Los Angeles. I'm so used to having to go through a Delta "gateway" like Atlanta or New York to get somewhere important and global. I also got to experience the "disappearing day" that happens when you cross the international date line overnight

MEL-SYD included a full small breakfast in coach for a 1 hour flight. Wow. After that, I was treated to the beautiful airport that is Sydney's Kingsford Smith.

SYD-HNL was nice. No in-seat entertainment, but still a nice flight.

HNL-LAX connecting on Delta. Late as usual. Finally in first class though, and great service, working in-seat entertainment, and what I thought was a great meal.

The End
I thank God for every one of these incredible experiences. It is such an amazing gift and I'm grateful I've been able to see all that I have so far.