Thursday, April 5, 2007

Self-Aggrandizing Elitists vs. Out of This World Nutjobs...Oops, I Mean Student Action vs. CalSERVE

Apr 5 2007

It's another year of elitist do nothing self-promoting snobbery or even worse, people who want to waste your money with their horrific CodePink and Greenpeace values.

I suppose I'd rather have my student fees going to a bunch of do nothing hacks like Oren "Douchebag" GAYbriel than a bunch of strange vague non-student related ultra-left programs like unisex bathrooms, a "green" campus (whatever that means), and money that's probably funneled to violent reverse-racists like BAMN.

CalSERVE, what do you plan to do for us White or Asian non-Transvestite folk?

According to CalSERVE's facebook, they're huffing up the S-P keywords "racial justice", "social justice", "transcultural", and "divest". You know CalSERVE, a good 80% of us are White, Asian, have access, and are not disabled...not to mention traditional African-Americans and Hispanics find you hippies kind of strange and socially undesirable. What do you plan to do for us? As much as I've always wanted to pee right next to a girl, I don't know...Perhaps we can gain the matriculation of Ricky Martin, as CalSERVE's "access" policies will give him ample access to dole out golden showers.

And guess what CalSERVE, not only are Iraq, the environment, world issues, and President Bush not helpful to students and none of your business, but you're wasting our time and money trying to do things that belong to important people we actually elect on a state and national level (and no, you're not important). If your going to run for student government, pretend to actually do something that would do something for students (gasp!), like promise a revitalization of Sproul which wont happen or give money to student groups which you'll probably funnel to the Cayman Islands...or your legal defense team. And newsflash, we're already here, so we don't need minority recruitment. And you're vague terms like "justice" and "green" are empty and annoying.

And guess what. Most of the stuff listed below is just fluff that you blowhards can't deliver on:

Oh, except abortion-on-demand at the Tang Center. That I'm sure you'll pour your heart and soul into.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I leave you with what CalSERVE has called their "accomplishments" ...and what I call a "total joke". I'll embolden terms I find an absolute total and utter bunch of egregious nuttiness, even though it goes without saying that the entire thing should be emboldened.

Spring 2003: Bill Title
SB 6a In Support of the 2003 BESSA Career Fair
SB 15a In Support of Exit Magazine
SB 32 To Support Students Subject to INS Registration
SB 33a In Support of Students for Hip Hop
SB 39a In Support of Splitends Magazine
SB 40 In Support of the 2003 Leadership Symposium
SB 41 In Support of the Committee for Korea Studies
SB 42 In Support of the Eggster Hunt and Learning Festival
SB 50 In Support of Society of Cal Integrative Biology Undergraduate Students
SB 59 To Oppose the USA Patriot Act, Justice Department Directives, and Executive Orders that Prevent the Protection of Civil Liberties and Rights
SB 62 In Support of Berkeley Minority Women
SB 63a In Support of Lambda Theta Nu Sorority's Second Annual Latina Youth Leadership Conference
SB 64 In Support of Efficient and Effective Mediation of Elections Disputes
SB 65 In Support of the Unity Statement
SB 66 In Support of the Colombia Working Group
SB 67 In Support of La Voz de Berkeley
SB 70a In Support of PAA's 27th Annual Pilipino Cultural Night of UC Berkeley
SB 76 In Support of the Third Annual Ethnic Studies Conference
SB 77 In Support of the Themis Journal: Berkeley Journal of Environmental, Health, and Development
SB 81 In Support of Correcting an Error in Title I of the ASUC By-Laws

Fall 2002:Bill Title
SB 2a A Resolution Against the Information Ban
SB 7a In Support of a Hotel and Spa Worker-Led Boycott of the Claremont Resort and Spa
SB 8a In Support of AB 2001 - Ethnic Studies for California Public High Schools
SB 9a In Support of More Classrooms and Better Schools: Yes on Prop 47
SB 11a To Co-Sponsor the Petition to Reverse the Drop in Underrepresented Minority Enrollment at UC Berkeley
SB 16 In Support of Election Day Voter Registration
SB 17a In Support of Financial Aid for All Students
SB 23 In Support of the Greek System's Efforts to Lift the Moratorium on Alcohol
SB 30 In Support of Chicanos and Latinos for Empowerment (Chale)
SB 35 In Support of the Latino Pre-Law Society
SB 36 In Support of Green Building and Clean, Renewable Energy
SB 37 In Support of March Primary Elections
SB 38a In Support of Cal Community Action Days 2002, UC Berkeley's Week of Service
SB 40 In Support of the Arab American Student Union
SB 41 In Support of the Berkeley Chinese Students and Scholars Association
SB 43a In Support of Chaitanya and Chaitanya's Publicity Efforts
SB 48a In Support of a Peaceful Foreign Policy Towards Iraq
SB 49a In Support of Dropping Student Conduct Charges
SB 55a In Support of Let's Rise Asian Mentorship Program
SB 56a In Support of the Youth Vote Coalition Voter Registration Drive
SB 63 In Support of the Berkeley Law Foundation
SB 69 In Support of Students for Out-of-State and International Diversity: An Organization for Non-Residents and Residents (SOID)
SB 71 In Support of the Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholar Chapter
SB 72 In Support of the Associated Students of Psychology (ASP)
SB 76a In Support of an Immediate Moratorium of the Deportation of Southeast Asians
SB 82 In Support of Sigma Omega Tau (SOT)
SB 88a In Support of Cal Libertarians
SB 91 In Support of Cal Women's Boxing Association
SB 98a In Support of Volunteerism and a Thanksgiving Feeding at the First Universal Unitarian Church
SB 99a In Support of PAHC's Mission Iloilo Benefit Concert
SB 100 In Support of Retaining Immigrant Airport Screeners Working at America's Airports
SB 101a In Support of maganda Magazine
SB 102 In Support of the Common Mic
SB 103 In Support of Coca-Cola Corporate Responsibility
SB 104 In Support of Fair Trade Coffee
SB 108a In Support of the Arts for Healing Benefit Performance
SB 115a In Support of Black Unity
SB 116a In Support of Installing Code Blue Phones at Extension Buildings and Etcheverry-Soda Breezeway
SB 118a In Support of Farm Worker Support Committee Speaking Event: Revitalizing La Causa SB 121a In Support of the Student Parent Association
SB 129 Concerning the Rights of the Accused
SB 131 In Support of the Disabled Students Union
SB 138 In Support of the 3rd Annual Women's Rights Conference: A Day of Action and Awareness

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