I'm not that political. Really, I'm not. Ya know, whatever. But there is one huge pimple on my ass, one huge boil that wont go away, one enormous pet-peeve that drives me up the wall with its flaming egregiousness - that pimple is Phil Angelides. It's so egregious of the Democratic Party to throw away their moderate candidate (who had a good chance of winning) for this flaming Trotskyite who has the personality of mud. They've gone too far - past ridiculousness.
Anyway, I had some fun today posting on about thirty something NOTES written by Phil Angelides (aka poser in campaign 2006), making fun pokes at their most ridiculous remarks. I had so much fun, thanks for the fodder Philgelides.
Have fun:
- If the Tonight Show is out to make a joke of people's administrations, then God knows why Mr. Angelides would want to come on. The truth is that NBC, especially in its current state, cannot afford to lose viewers by putting people with the personality of dirt on its show. Putting Phil Angelides on a star studded show like the Tonight Show is like having my great grandma Edna on the first guest spot talking about her false teeth and missed bowl movements.
- Linking Arnold to Georgie is a very sad and desperate attempt by the Angelides campaign to make up for double digit poll trailing, which in a Democratic state, doesn't say very much for Phil Angelides.
- As a corporation in the business of entertaining people, NBC doesn't want to put its viewers to sleep by having the excessively boring and square Phil Angelides on its show. As a free market business enterprise, NBC should not be required to lose market share by placing a product on its show (aka Phil Angelides) that will bore the living hell out of its viewers.
- Again, if Phil Angelides wasn't so incredibly boring, maybe he could secure a spot on the Tonight Show without having to cry foul to the government and FCC. Ya know, NBC is in the business of entertaining people, and doesn't like to lose viewers and money by putting people on their shows that will put audiences into a deep sleep.
- Phil Angelides, Always on your side...unless your a white taxpayer
- If only the voters were as fired up about Phil Angelides.
- Oh, support from Barbara Boxer! In any other non-backwards society, that would be considered an extreme liability.
- Maybe you should visit Facebook PULSE, and see how students don't really quite love Phil Angelides.
- If Phil Angelides had any redeeming qualities or things to offer the voters of California, he wouldn't have to resort to egregious fabrications, the most being any linkage between Arnold and the Whitehouse. Last time I checked, a politician stumping for another politician's presidential campaign is NOT defined as a personal, ideological, or policy link. Democrats are excellent at pointing out every minor ineptitude of the Republican party without ever offering any better policy. In fact, they usually offer no policy at all.
- College fees in CA are too low, and way below the market price. I'd double my $7.5K if necessary to continue going to Berkeley. I paid $15K/year for high school. If you're poor, there's an ample amount of scholarships and Gov Aid for college. And heaven forbid you must pay the disparity between that and your tuition, tell your cheap parents to take it out of their drinking & smoking budgets.
- So you link Arnold to President Bush in all these horribly misleading advertisements, and now say Arnold's running from President Bush. You've effectively contradicted your own commercials. Since you people don't like President Bush, wouldn't you consider that a good thing.
- You make for good nap time Philgelides.
- Oh, Gavin Newsom!And in Philgelides corner, the radical elements of the far left. That's it.
- Even in a democratic state like California, Philgelides cannot get elected by associating with and adopting the ideology of the Cindy Sheehan crowd.
- Perhaps if California teachers weren't so terribly inept, people wouldn't be so ankling to block their taxpayer funded pay raises.
- So this group is supported by those on the far-left fringes. Why am I not surprised
- Hmmm, so how are you doing on Facebook Pulse these days Phil?
- Perhaps these groups should take a look at Angelides' horrible environmental record, which ironically was put forth by a fellow (and much more qualified) Democrat named Steve Westly.
- At least your daughter is hot Phil. That's one peg in your corner. Unfortunately, the horrific Gavin Newson cancels out that peg by proxy.
- Associating with such radical filth should not make you proud of your father. His concession speech, marking California's removal from any potential danger, should be what makes you proud.
- Steve Westly would have never stooped so low!
- Phil Angelides fails to understand that the upper middle class and upper class are the classes that fuel California's economy. The people of California, whether rich or poor, should not have to pay for bloated government bureaucracy and inept public schools.
- I'm sorry Greling, but it appears you've never heard of a man named Gray Davis, who the Democratic state of California overwhelmingly recalled. It's not PR, it's not the energy crisis - it's simply his overwhelming ineptitudes. But what can one expect from your loony Sharpton and Jesse Jackson politics over there at Morehouse. I'm dying to make a joke regarding Morehouse and "LessHouse", but I'll refrain, for you, Greling.
- Two people with the personality of dirt. One past, and one future loser. Both sore.
- Students are not for you Phil. Maybe you haven't checked your Facebook PULSE lately. And that's among college students, an overwhelming Democratic majority.
- Frank wants to milk the taxpayer with his lucrative government job.
- Phil Angelides: Opening the border wider than Paris Hilton's legs on a Saturday night.
- Yeah, Phil. If you want a fighting chance, you'll be required to abandon everything you believe in and all those nutjobs you associate with.
- Another losing embarrasment on the Philgelides stumproll.
- San Francisco, the only town nutty enough to vote for Phil in majority.
- Again, framing the campaign on non-issues. In case you don't know, the Governor of any state plays almost no role in national and foreign policy decisions. It doesn't matter what stance they have on Iraq. Again, the way Philgelides spins on the PR war, to detract from the fact that he brings nothing to the table.
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